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Programme structure

We offer A-levels in 2 different study plans:

  • Standard two-year programme
  • Transfer from Year 12

Standard two-year programme

The standard programme taken by UK students, over two years of study

Key facts

  • Start Dates: 6 September 2021
  • Course length: 2 Academic Years
  • Entry requirements:
    Completed 10 years of schooling (GCSE or equivalent) or the Albanian Klasa 10.
    Minimum IELTS 5.5 (5.0 in Reading and Writing) or equivalent
  • Class size range: 4 - 12
  • Lessons:35 lessons per week, including complementary subjects, plus 90 minutes per day homework
  • Minimum age: 16

Learning Outcomes

  • Gain UK national qualification
  • Raise English to level required for A-level or Foundation
  • Develop study skills required at sixth form level

Year 12 Transfer

You can also enter the second year (A2) of a two-year A-level programme if you have completed Year 12 (Year 1 of A-levels) elsewhere.

By transferring to Kings, you benefit from more intensive and more tailored support. This offers greater scope to perform better and achieve more

Programme content

There are four components to the A-level programme at Kings Tirana:

1. Academic subjects

Depending on your future degree course and ability, you will study three or four subjects.

2.Academic Enrichment programme

You will have opportunities to follow a range of topics outside your main subjects.

3.Examination practice

You will have practice exams every week.

This ensure you learn the disciplines of working concisely, accurately and to precise time limits.

These practice exams also give your teachers valuable information about your progress so they can ensure lessons are relevant to your exact needs.

6. Examinations

You will have your final examinations at the end of Year 2.

CAT 4 testing

We use the Cognitive Abilities Test (CAT 4) to assess your abilities, academic potential and learning preferences.

The test analyses your ability to reason with and manipulate different types of material. It uses verbal, non-verbal, quantitative and spatial reasoning tasks.

This method helps every student achieve more than they thought possible in a measurable way.

CAT 4 Test


A-levels are usually completed over two academic years. All A-level exams take place at the end of Year 2.

You can take an AS exam at the end of your first year, but it is not essential and won’t count towards your final grade.

There is now less coursework and fewer practical assessments than before. Your final grade is based on end-of-course exams.

Grades for university entry

Each A-level is graded from A*, A, B, C, D or E.

When you apply for your degree course, universities will usually offer you a conditional place.

This means your place is dependent on you achieving the A-level grades they require, for example ABB.