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How to apply

Applying for your place at Kings Tirana

If you think that Kings could be the place for you, we would be delighted to hear from you.

Applying to Kings Tirana is straightforward.

You can call/text/WhatsApp/e-mail our admissions team at:
+355 69 709 3088

Our admissions team will book you a meeting with us, or if you are not in Tirana, schedule a video-call. In this meeting we will assess how Kings Tirana can help you with your academic goals and also be able to provide you all the information you need from us.

If we can be of any benefit to your academic goals, you will receive an academic offer from us. The academic offer will provide you with all the necessary instructions to complete your enrolment with us

Documents required for enrolment

Prior to enrolment you need to submit the following documents

Applying to Kings Tirana is straightforward.

1 Valid ID of the student You may submit a notarised copy of a valid ID.
2 Valid document attesting the legal relationship between student and parent(s) of the student This could be a birth certificate, family certificate, or other document, as applicable in the country of origin.
3 Copies of valid identification documents of all parent(s)/guardian(s) If custody is exercised by only one parent, or by another third person, please submit relevant power of attorney or judicial decision regarding custody
4 Certificate / Diploma of last academic year. If student has attended school outside Albania, documents from that school should be verified by DAR (Albanian Regional Education Authority). All copies and translations should be notarised. For all students who seek to transfer after the start of the academic year, please submit certificate of attendance and marks for the last academic term(s).

After these documents have been successfully submitted with us, you will be invited to sign the enrolment agreement

After signing the enrolment agreement, you have been officially enrolled in our school.

Please note that in order to have a place guaranteed in our school for the following academic years, you will need to sign re-enrolment agreements with the school within the given deadlines.

The school may ask for additional documents prior or after the enrolment.

Admissions team

Kristina Gjoka

Career Consultant and Admissions

Erind Bathorja

Admissions Officer and Coordinator