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Kings Tirana Fees

Tuition fees

All prices in EUR.

Key Stage Year Group Age boundary at the start of the academic year Tuition Fee 2024/25 Tuition Fee 2025-26
PRIMARY Key Stage 1 1 5 years old  €7 247  €7 609
2 6 years old  €7 247  €7 609
Key Stage 2 3 7 years old  €7 841  €8 076
4 8 years old  €7 841  €8 076
5 9 years old  €7 841  €8 076
6 10 years old  €7 841  €8 076
LOWER SECONDARY Key Stage 3 7 11 years old  €9 409  €9 879
8 12 years old  €9 409  €9 879
9 13 years old  €9 409  €9 879
UPPER SECONDARY Key Stage 4 10 14 years old  €12 023  €12 624
11 15 years old  €12 023  €12 624
Key Stage 5 12 16 years old  €12 023  €12 624
13 17 years old  €12 023  €12 624

Tuition price notes

Your fee entitles you to attend the academic year at Kings Tirana including breakfast and lunch.

Your fee does not cover:

Books and other school materials



Any external examination

Extracurricular activities

Summer school

Breakfast and lunch cannot be reimbursed or deducted. You may request reimbursement of payments within 10 calendar days after they are due. After this period no reimbursement will be possible.